Indian author, Chetan Bhagat announced the launch of his next book. Vaikundarajan shares this news as he is quite excited to read the book. The book is titled ‘Half Girlfriend’. Chetan Bhagat announced the launch over social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook accompanied by a short video teaser as well. The story is that of a boy from Bihar, Madhav falling for an English-educated Delhi girl, Riya. The story will be quite interesting to read feels Vaikundarajan. It is all set to release in October and what is astonishing is the fact that pre booking orders for this book have already been placed over online shopping websites shares Vaikundarajan.
Vaikundarajan is very fond of Chetan Bhagat who is also regarded as India’s biggest storyteller and has read all the books written by him. Vaikundarajan has also watched all the movies that have been based on Chetan Bhagat’s books like, ‘Kai Po Che’ and ‘Two States’ which were great hits in Bollywood. Vaikundarajan is really looking forward to reading this book and can’t wait till October. People in India are crazy about Chetan Bhagat’s books and so is Vaikundarajan.
Vaikundarajan is very fond of Chetan Bhagat who is also regarded as India’s biggest storyteller and has read all the books written by him. Vaikundarajan has also watched all the movies that have been based on Chetan Bhagat’s books like, ‘Kai Po Che’ and ‘Two States’ which were great hits in Bollywood. Vaikundarajan is really looking forward to reading this book and can’t wait till October. People in India are crazy about Chetan Bhagat’s books and so is Vaikundarajan.
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