Finally, the Kamal Haasan-starrer Uttama Villain trailer has been released, says Vaikundarajan. The Tamil comedy was recently wrapped up. The movie also stars Jayaram, Andrea Jeremiah, Pooja Kumar, Urvashi, K. Vishwanath and the Late K.Balachandar – as Kamal’s mentor.
Vaikundarajan explains that Uttama Villian when translated in English means a virtuous villain. The plot revolves around a struggling actor who has past his prime and is getting ready for one last act to establish him as one of the greatest actors to live. As the movie keeps moving from different time zones, the story covers a time span of nearly 1500 years. With such a plot, everyone is eagerly awaiting for the movie. The movie is said to be released on 1 March 2015.
As per reports, Kamal Hasan will feature in two roles, according to Vaikundarajan. One of his characters will include a drama artist in the 8th century and the other character will be a 21st movie star.
The movie is produced by N. Lingusamy and Kamal Haasan and is directed by Ramesh Aravind, says Vaikundarajan. Music is done by M. Ghibran, while the cinematography is conducted by Shyam Dutt.
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