Rajini Murugan has emerged as a clear winner among the films released during Pongal. “Tamil Nadu has only 950 screens that are eligible for new releases,” informs Vaikundarajan. Rajini Murugan was the only film that managed to get hold of big screens while other movies had to share screens and shows.
The film is targeted towards families and managed a remarkable reach due to its release during the festive season. “It has already grossed 18 Crores in its first four days,” adds Vaikundarajan. The movie has, especially, reached out to a wider audience in smaller cities and towns.
The movie is a Tamil comedy starring Sivakarthikeyan and has registered itself as the industry’s first blockbuster of the year. It is the biggest blockbuster delivered by the actor till date.
The movie is directed by Ponram and also starts Keerthy Suresh, Soori and Rajkiran in supporting roles.
“Although the critic reviews were mixed, the movie has managed to impress the audience,” concludes Vaikundarajan.
The film is targeted towards families and managed a remarkable reach due to its release during the festive season. “It has already grossed 18 Crores in its first four days,” adds Vaikundarajan. The movie has, especially, reached out to a wider audience in smaller cities and towns.
The movie is a Tamil comedy starring Sivakarthikeyan and has registered itself as the industry’s first blockbuster of the year. It is the biggest blockbuster delivered by the actor till date.
The movie is directed by Ponram and also starts Keerthy Suresh, Soori and Rajkiran in supporting roles.
“Although the critic reviews were mixed, the movie has managed to impress the audience,” concludes Vaikundarajan.
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