Chinese smartphone maker, OnePlus, launched its 4th device in the series titled – OnePlus 3. The phone is priced at INR 27,999 in India and will be available via Amazon India. “Unlike its previous selling strategy that involved buyers to ask for invites, the OnePlus 3 will be available for sale directly,” says Vaikundarajan.
The smartphone will be available in a Graphite colour variant with Soft Gold variant to be released at a later stage. The device has a mental unibody made of space-grade aluminum alloy and is 7.35mm thick.
“The USP of the device is its Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC with Adreno 530 GPU on board and 6GB of LPDDR4 RAM,” says Vaikundarajan.
Much like its previous devices, OnePlus 3 will also run on OxygenOS with an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. The device has a 5.5-inch display size and fill-HD resolution. However, unlike its predecessors the display has an Optic Amoled with Gorilla Glass 4 protection. It will come with a dual-SIM slot.
The phone supports a USB 2.0 Type-C port and comes with a 3.5mm headphone jack. It has a home button which features a fingerprint sensor in addition to capacitive hardware keys and alert slider.
Speaking on its camera features, Vaikundarajan says, “The device has a 16-megapixel rear camera with a Sony IMX298 sensor, an f/2.0 aperture, 4K video recording support and a smile capture mode. The front camera can handle 1080p video recording.” The smartphone sports a 64GB of inbuilt storage, however, options to expand the memory is not available.
The phone is powered with a non-removable 3000mAh battery which can charge the battery up to 60% in 30 minutes.
“The Chinese Manufacturer has delivered quality in smartphones through their last 3 devices. The expectations with OnePlus 3 will be high,” concludes Vaikundarajan.
The smartphone will be available in a Graphite colour variant with Soft Gold variant to be released at a later stage. The device has a mental unibody made of space-grade aluminum alloy and is 7.35mm thick.
“The USP of the device is its Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 SoC with Adreno 530 GPU on board and 6GB of LPDDR4 RAM,” says Vaikundarajan.
Much like its previous devices, OnePlus 3 will also run on OxygenOS with an Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. The device has a 5.5-inch display size and fill-HD resolution. However, unlike its predecessors the display has an Optic Amoled with Gorilla Glass 4 protection. It will come with a dual-SIM slot.
The phone supports a USB 2.0 Type-C port and comes with a 3.5mm headphone jack. It has a home button which features a fingerprint sensor in addition to capacitive hardware keys and alert slider.
Speaking on its camera features, Vaikundarajan says, “The device has a 16-megapixel rear camera with a Sony IMX298 sensor, an f/2.0 aperture, 4K video recording support and a smile capture mode. The front camera can handle 1080p video recording.” The smartphone sports a 64GB of inbuilt storage, however, options to expand the memory is not available.
The phone is powered with a non-removable 3000mAh battery which can charge the battery up to 60% in 30 minutes.
“The Chinese Manufacturer has delivered quality in smartphones through their last 3 devices. The expectations with OnePlus 3 will be high,” concludes Vaikundarajan.
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