Delhi Power Tariff Hike By 8 Percent: Vaikundarajan Expresses His Grief

It’s time for Delhi to experience a power tariff hike yet again.  That Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has approved of a hike in power tariffs by up to 8.32 percent shares Vaikundarjan.  There is a 10p per unit hike for those who consume up to 200 units which makes it 2.25 percent. However, the officials state that 70 percent of the domestic consumers consume up to a maximum of 400 units so, the hike is just marginal and is unlikely to have a great effect on the consumers.

Vaikundarajan feels that this is going to directly affect the metro fares as well and it is quite possible that the fares go up as the operational costs of the metro might go up because of this hike. People are upset about this price hike and so is Vaikundarajan. He believes that the common man really has to suffer these days as the prices of everything are rising at such unprecedented levels. With the new government coming up there were hopes of a better scenario but things haven’t really changed. It is really a tough time to survive in today’s world, adds Vaikundarajan.

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