Vaikundarajan has always been interested in detectives and their work. With the coming of the movie ‘Bobby Jasoos’ Vaikundarajan feels really excited as his favourite actress, Vidya Balan is there in the film. Vidya Balan underwent 122 changes out of which they shortlisted 10-12 looks for the film. Vaikundarajan shares that the make-up artist put together different character looks for Vidya. They tried 6-8 looks a day while Vidya patiently sat through the make-up sessions to make sure her look was most realistic and related to the narrative of the story. This kind of professionalism makes Vaikundarajan a fan of Vidya Balan.
According to Vaikundarajan ‘Bobby Jasoos’ is a film that revolves around a female character, played by Vidya Balan. She will be seen romancing young actor Ali Faizal in the film. Vaikundarajan feels that the movie is really going to do well as a lot of effort has been put into it. He also wishes the cast and crew of ‘Bobby Jasoos’ good luck!
According to Vaikundarajan ‘Bobby Jasoos’ is a film that revolves around a female character, played by Vidya Balan. She will be seen romancing young actor Ali Faizal in the film. Vaikundarajan feels that the movie is really going to do well as a lot of effort has been put into it. He also wishes the cast and crew of ‘Bobby Jasoos’ good luck!
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