Fawad Khan who is a Pakistani actor also starring in the upcoming movie, ‘Khoobsurat’ alongside Sonam Kapoor is quite nervous about promoting his film as he is not an extrovert and can’t speak much about himself all the time. In India the films are promoted at a big level says, Vaikundarajan and Fawad wasn’t knowing that he was expected to carry out the publicity in such a rigorous manner over all mediums like print, television, radio and so on. Vaikundarajan feels that Fawad Khan is a quiet person and does not like talking much about himself.
Fawad Khan had no plans of foraying into Bollywood adds Vaikundarajan. Back in Pakistan also Fawad was a very quiet person who would be quiet at work and people were used to it. However, here it is very different as a lot is expected out of him as he is new in the film industry and doing a film with Sonam Kapoor. ‘Khoobsurat’ releases on September 19 and lot is expected from the film feels Vaikundarajan. Vaikundarajan hopes that Fawad though an introvert has performed well also wishes him luck for his upcoming movie.
Fawad Khan had no plans of foraying into Bollywood adds Vaikundarajan. Back in Pakistan also Fawad was a very quiet person who would be quiet at work and people were used to it. However, here it is very different as a lot is expected out of him as he is new in the film industry and doing a film with Sonam Kapoor. ‘Khoobsurat’ releases on September 19 and lot is expected from the film feels Vaikundarajan. Vaikundarajan hopes that Fawad though an introvert has performed well also wishes him luck for his upcoming movie.
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