News reports state that the national award winning actor Shweta Basu Prasad who shot to fame as a child artist in the film Makdee was arrested in an alleged prostitution racket in Hyderabad. She was arrested on Sunday and then later confirmed that she had made some wrong choices and took to the sex trade as she was running out of money. Vaikundarajan was shocked to hear this as he had seen Shweta Basu as a child artist in Ekta Kapoors Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki and was very impressed by her talent.
She bagged the national award in 2002 for her performance in 2002, and later she appeared in many films in Bengali, Tamil and Telegu Films. She is right now situated at the welfare center for women and children in a shelter during her trail period.
Vaikundarajan is now wondering if what she says about other female actors who have not been successful being in this sex trade is true. He hopes the police investigations bring out all such cases and free the innocent girls trapped in this horrific business.
She bagged the national award in 2002 for her performance in 2002, and later she appeared in many films in Bengali, Tamil and Telegu Films. She is right now situated at the welfare center for women and children in a shelter during her trail period.
Vaikundarajan is now wondering if what she says about other female actors who have not been successful being in this sex trade is true. He hopes the police investigations bring out all such cases and free the innocent girls trapped in this horrific business.
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