The newest Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt production Khamoshiyan, was released on 30 January 2015. Viewers have expressed great reviews for the film, says Vaikundarajan. Some of its viewers have even taken to twitter to promote this erotic thriller. The movie is written and directed by Karan Darra. The film star Gurmeet Choudhary, Ali Fazal and Sapna Pabbi have played the lead roles in the movie.
Khamoshiyan is an erotic love triangle revolving around a writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir where he discovers a woman with a strange, silent past, says Vaikundarajan. The movie is packed with characters like an enticing wife, a demon husband, a young novelist. Taking place in a rambling house in the snowy Kashmir, Khamoshiyan has scenes which genuinely scar you.
Unlike other movies directed by Karan Dahal, the movies end is compelling, a vital ingredient for a good horror-mystery. All Vaikundarajan can say after watching that horror movies are back with a vengeance and he is thrilled about it.
Khamoshiyan is an erotic love triangle revolving around a writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir where he discovers a woman with a strange, silent past, says Vaikundarajan. The movie is packed with characters like an enticing wife, a demon husband, a young novelist. Taking place in a rambling house in the snowy Kashmir, Khamoshiyan has scenes which genuinely scar you.
Unlike other movies directed by Karan Dahal, the movies end is compelling, a vital ingredient for a good horror-mystery. All Vaikundarajan can say after watching that horror movies are back with a vengeance and he is thrilled about it.