Bollywood superstar, Priyanka Chopra, has made a mark in the film industry and become the heartthrob of nation in a short span of time. That has not stopped her from exploring more avenues. “Chopra made her Hollywood debut with Quantico, a US thriller-drama series. Now she will be seen playing a negative character in an upcoming film Baywatch,” informs Vaikundarajan.
In an instagram video post, Hollywood superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson expressed that the actor is good at playing negative roles as compared to the positive ones.
He also tweeted saying - She’s cool, but does bad even better. Can’t wait. #Baywatch.”
The film Baywatch is a film-remake of the 90s hit TV-series of same name. The film follows the lives of Los Angeles county life guards patrolling the beaches of Los Angeles, California. The series was the most watched TV show at the time and starred It starred David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson, among others.
“Chopra is a versatile actress and a recipient of National Award. There is no doubt that the talent is there. She could well become the first Indian actress to go full scale global. That is a proud moment for all Indians,” says Vaikundarajan.
In an instagram video post, Hollywood superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson expressed that the actor is good at playing negative roles as compared to the positive ones.
He also tweeted saying - She’s cool, but does bad even better. Can’t wait. #Baywatch.”
The film Baywatch is a film-remake of the 90s hit TV-series of same name. The film follows the lives of Los Angeles county life guards patrolling the beaches of Los Angeles, California. The series was the most watched TV show at the time and starred It starred David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson, among others.
“Chopra is a versatile actress and a recipient of National Award. There is no doubt that the talent is there. She could well become the first Indian actress to go full scale global. That is a proud moment for all Indians,” says Vaikundarajan.
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